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³¯Â¥ : 2013-09-30 (¿ù) 10:51 Á¶È¸ : 2018
±â°£ : 2013. 10. 04(±Ý) ~ 2013. 12. 13(±Ý)
[Çö´ëµµ¿¹: ³»ÀÏ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¿À´ÃÀÇ À̾߱â]
[Ceramic art: Today's Story for Tomorrow]
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2013³â 10¿ù 4ÀÏ(±Ý) ~ 2013³â 12¿ù 13ÀÏ(±Ý)
¿ÀÇÁ´×: 2013³â 10¿ù 4ÀÏ(±Ý) 6:00 pm
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Exhibition Outline
   Haegang Ceramics Museum of Kookje University has played an important role to impart the flow of contemporary ceramic art to local and ceramic community by various exhibitions.  
This exhibition is intended to illuminate values and ideas of ceramic artists who are leading active lives in the field of ceramic art and  seek vision and direction of future ceramic art.  
Contemporary ceramic art has changed in various forms, according to the times. There are various types of ceramic artists, e.g. ones who are based on tradition, ones who are influenced by contemporary art, ones who link elements of craft with design, ones who are not restricted within common __EXPRESSION__ media. 
   With the change of times, the various types of contemporary ceramic art look different, however, we find something common in their works, which contain common values ​​and philosophy of ceramists.  

   This exhibition is prepared to help the general public understand the artworks of contemporary ceramists and confirm the trend of current ceramic art and the vision of future through the communication between the artists and the public.  We hope that this exhibition titled "Ceramic Art : Today¡¯s Story for Tomorrow" will bring new awareness and understanding of ceramics to the public, and lead to the expectancy and interest for current ceramic art.  
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