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2018-04-30 (¿ù) 11:02 Á¶È¸ : 10614

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= A Research on the "Intertextuality" in contemporary ceramic art in Korea

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This paper aims to inquire into the cause that modern ceramic art is considered to be a minor art, not involved in the mainstream contemporary art. The biggest reason for modern ceramic art to stay on the periphery of contemporary art results from the modernist approach and formalist thinking of ceramic artists. Hereupon this paper, among the postmodern theories emerged in contemporary art in Korea since the late 20 century, analyzes `intertextuality theory` which had the most impact on the contemporary ceramics. Intertextuality theory is the most important postmodern theory advocated by Bulgarian theorist Julia Kristeva, and contemporary art intensively shed light on it since the late 20th century. This paper examines the theoretical origin and rhetorical strategies of intertextuality theory in contemporary art, and consider the importance of intertextuality theory in postmodern aesthetics. Most of all, five contemporary artists calling up intertextuality theory are compared and analyzed, and also how they accommodate the theory with what rhetorical strategies is analyzed. In conclusion, overall story of this paper is summarized and the meaning, limitation, and future direction are mentioned.


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